Sensei James Wax inducted in 2005

In 1955, Sensei Wax began training in Matsubayashi-Ryu in Okinawa and in 1950 brought this Art to the United States and Dayton, Ohio. Sensei Wax is noted as the first Westerner to study and obtain a black belt under Master Shoshin Nagamine. The initial idea of becoming a great Matsubayashi-Ryu student and teacher began for Hanshi Grant under Sensei Wax’s direction. Training 2 to 3 hours per day from 1959 to 1963 under Sensei Wax, Hanshi Grant became hungry for more knowledge and training. Hanshi Grant credits Sensei Wax for starting him on the path of improving himself and inspired him to become Grand Master Nagamine’s student. Over the years, Sensei Wax has taught many great students and Hanshi Grant considers him a “Master of the Art”. Sensei Wax passed away in 2012, and is honored for introducing the Art of Matsubayashi-Ryu to the United States and for teaching this Art to Hanshi Grant.