?? World Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Federation
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Welcome to the official site of the World Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Federation!

Hanshi Frank Grant studied directly under Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine and became a great influence of Okinawan Karate-Do worldwide. Hanshi Grant established the WSKF in 1970 with the support of O'Sensei Shoshin Nagamine. He spent many years in the Dayton, Ohio area and produced hundreds of Black Belts who in turn produced many dojos. The WSKF is currently headquartered in Troy, Ohio.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote excellence in Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do by providing resources for all WSKF schools, members and supporters so that they may achieve their goals and ambitions through the teachings of Hanshi Frank Grant, as we foster the true art founded by Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine.


Here is some information on upcoming events:

2025 Calendar


Please forward any articles for the newsletter to Sensei Evan McPeek: emcpeek91@gmail.com

See the new WSKF Newsletter pager
Click to WSKF Newsletter page

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