Soke Takayoshi Nagamine inducted in 2021

Soke Takayoshi Nagamine was born in Naha, Okinawa, August 12, 1945. He was the celebrated son of the Grand Master of Matsubayashi-ryu (shorin-ryu) karate-do, Shohin Nagamine. He was the heir of the Matsubayashi-ryu system and was issued the title of Soke by his father in 1997. In 2008 he was awarded the rank of 10th dan by the World Matsubayashi-ryu (shorin-ryu) Karate-do Association. Soke Nagamine tragically passed away at a very early age on April 25, 2012. He was only 66 years old.
Soke Takayoshi had attended college in Japan but was sponsored by Hanshi Frank Grant and his father to come to America. At the age of 20 he came to Ohio and soon started a dojo in Cincinnati. Two of his students who later became influential teachers in their own right, were Kyoshi Jim Driggs and Sensei Bill George. Soke Nagamine taught at the Cincinnati dojo until he returned to Okinawa in 1979.
As a young child, he began his training, with his father. He continued his training with his father, and the senior black belts of his father's dojo his entire life. Throughout the '70's, '80's, and '90's Soke Nagamine taught at many WSKF events with Hanshi Grant, as well as many events worldwide.
Those who were fortunate enough to train in the 1980's at WSKF events, will remember fondly his karate feats of spirit, such as his sit ups while hanging upside down from a bo staff that he had two black belts hold. He hung by his insteps. He demonstrated the toe tip kick of Matsubayashi-ryu by walking all over the wooden deck on his toes. One of the more memorable demonstrations was of his crane kick during the Karate Kid movie popularity. He hopped up on one of the pylon timbers that encircled Hanshi Grant's driveway and performed the kick over and over, gracefully, his big toes firing like bullets as he landed like a feather, each time. Soke Takayoshi Nagamine not only was a cultural asset to the development of karate in the U.S and around the world, but he was a friend and beloved karate brother of Hanshi Frank Grant.