Hanshi Glenda Olin, Vice President
Glenda Olin began her martial arts training in 1972 in Tae Kwon Do. After training for 3 years and receiving a 1st degree black belt, she joined the Okinawan Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu family of karate. Glenda trained under Hanshi Grant at his dojos on Troy Street and Tipp City in Ohio, in Red Bush, Kentucky and at his home in Piqua, Ohio. In 1996, Glenda began teaching martial arts to kids. She has since started her own non-profit organization Partners Against Crime (PAC) to support her martial arts program. In 1991, Glenda was promoted to Go Dan by Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine in Okinawa. At the inception of the WSKF, Glenda was appointed Secretary, a position she held until 2009. In addition to being the WSKF Secretary, Glenda was elected Vice President of the WSKF in 2004, a position she still holds today. During the WSKF Internationals in Florida in 2016, Glenda was promoted to Ku-Dan by Hanshi Grant. Her favorite kata is Gojushiho.