Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine inducted in 2005

Founder and Master of Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do for more than 70 years, Grand Master Nagamine held the rank of 10th Dan and Hanshi, the highest title in the Art of Karate. Highly respected in the community and Government, he is renowned worldwide for his principles, ideas and philosophies. The Grand Master believed in continuous practice and along with his distinction of Master of Matsubayashi-Ryu, held black belts in Judo, Kendo and Aikido. Family was important to Grand Master Nagamine, and so were his students. He was generous and loving and he became a father figure to his students. “There is always a lesson to be learned” according to the Grand Master and he took every opportunity to teach his students both on and off the deck. We recognize and honor Grand Master Nagamine for his outstanding effort in creating Matsubayashi-Ryu and his tireless commitment through his teaching to ensure this Art never dies.