Sensei Penny Huff
Sensei Penny Huff was one of Matsubayshi-Ryu’s first female Black Belts. She began her training in 1972 with Sensei Richard Curwell in Hanshi Frank Grant’s first Satellite Dojo on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard. An extremely dedicated student for over forty one years, Penny made the rank of Roko Dan (6th Degree Black Belt). During that time, she and her husband Jim raised four children - Mya, James, Farley and Celeste. They all studied in the dojo and are now adults with wonderful futures. Penny is missed by so many that loved and trained with her, but we can all smile knowing that she is working out every day with Sensei Curwell,Hanshi Grant and Grand Master Nagamine. ( March 3, 1949 – October 28, 2013 ).