Sensei Kevin O'Reilly
Kevin O'Reilly began his martial arts training in 2008 at Hanshi Jeff Leistner's, Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Karate Dojo in Troy, Ohio. Kevin first went to watch class with his two sons and his father-in-law to get his sons involved in Karate. After class, Kevin knew not only did he want to get his sons involved in Karate, but he also wanted to learn Karate. The next day after signing his sons up, he went back and signed himself up to begin Karate. Kevin was also a self-defense instructor for the Piqua Police Department where he was an Officer for over 25 1/2 years. Kevin holds the rank of Go-Dan and is a certified instructor at the Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Karate Dojo in Troy, Ohio. His favorite basic Kata is Pinan Godan, and Ananku and Kusanku are his favorite two advanced Katas.